WebMD & Medscape Leadership Roles

WebMD & Medscape
Leadership Roles

Medscape Video Commentaries

Medscape Video

Advisory Board


WebMD & Medscape

WebMD & Medscape Leadership Roles

WebMD is a leading source of online health information for patients, and Medscape is a leading online source of medical news and information for healthcare providers.

I’m proud to have been an expert with Medscape and WebMD continuously since 2005.

I was initially an editorial board member with WebMD’s Medscape Journal of Medicine (once called MedGenMed) under the leadership of George D. Lundberg, MD, who was also JAMA’s Editor-In- Chief for 17 years. From 2006 to 2009 I was Editor of the journal’s Clinical Nutrition and Obesity section during which time I led an outstanding editorial board and managed the peer review process. I approved and rejected submitted manuscripts and worked to continually increase the quality and clinical significance of articles submitted to and published by the journal.

From 2009 to 2014 I led WebMD’s Online Diabetes Community and had a monthly blog called “Conquering Diabetes”. It was a terrific way to interact with patients across the U.S. and abroad. The interactive discussions and conversations spanned hundreds of topics related to diabetes, nutrition, obesity, heart disease, cholesterol, exercise, mental health, and many others. I continue to serve as a clinical reviewer for WebMD’s diabetes content.

WebMD & Medscape
George D. Lundberg, MD
Advisory Board
George D. Lundberg, MD
Advisory Board

Medscape Video Commentaries

Dr. Lundberg was a terrific mentor and provided a solid foundation for editorial leadership. He also invited me to present a series of editorial videos on topics of my choosing. Those videos are titled:

Preventing Childhood Obesity: An Open Letter To The U.S. Congress

Tight White-Coat Syndrome: Physician Heal Thyself

Beating Obesity Is Not Mission Impossible

A Diabetes Drama For President Obama

Advisory Board

Since 2011 I have served on the Clinical Advisory Board for WebMD Health Services, which helps large businesses improve employee health. This video provides more information about our work. I have made many friendships as a result of my ongoing work with this diverse group of clinical experts. Together we helped WebMD Health Services design their Wellness Program, and many of my colleagues have contributed to their terrific blog, including this article I provided called Diabetes Reversal—A 5-Step Approach.